Thursday, September 20, 2007

What Shall We Do Then?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 3:10 So the people asked him, saying, "What shall we do then?"

OBSERVATION: What a great reminder about the need people have for practical application to spiritual teaching and the charge for teachers to provide the practical application. John the Baptist here makes it very relevant and very practical. He tailors his response to each individual based on their life situation and occupation:
  • To those with extra clothes or food
  • To tax collectors
  • To soldiers
  • To Herod the king about his evil ways
When preparing any teaching, I should hear those voices saying, "What shall we do then?" As I read scripture for myself I should hear my voice among the crowd saying, "What shall I do then?" This brings me to a key question:
Does my relationship with Jesus, reading His word and listening to preaching, have any affect on my life? Does it matter? How does it apply to my specific situation? Am I doing it?

APPLICATION: Here it is, the application. John said, "Bear fruits worthy of repentance." Then he talks about generosity, integrity, contentment.
  • Generosity. With my things, my attention, my time and my praise -- am I generous? Do I give freely expecting nothing in return?
  • Integrity. Have I compromised in any way on integrity issues? Do not tell or perpetuate anything misleading or deceptive.
  • Contentment. Lack of contentment and dissatisfaction leads to resentment, bitterness, selfishness and other things that are displeasing to the Lord.
I need to get a lot better at relating these things practically to my life and then at helping others apply them to their lives.

PRAYER: Lord, give me insight, like John, to make repentance and evident aspect of my life. This seems to be a real block, one which I cannot afford. many people study theology but don't let it change their life. I don't want to be one of those people. Make every part of my life reflect You. Amen.

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