Monday, September 17, 2007

River of Life

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

OBSERVATION: This is not just a river, but it is a pure river. It is so pure that John describes it as "clear as crystal." This is not just a river, but a river of water of life. All water has some life in it, water is needed to maintain any living thing. This is not just the water of life, but the water of all life.
This is not just any river, but it proceeds from the throne of God and of the Lamb. This explains its purity. This also explains its life-giving properties. But these waters are not restricted. Verse 17 says anyone who comes may take of the water of life freely.

APPLICATION: I know that heaven is beyond my ability to understand, but it is not beyond my ability to desire. The picture of this river -- a central feature of heaven -- sounds incredible. It reflects and carries the character and nature of God ("proceeds from His throne"). It demonstrates His character and the character that I want to have:
  • Purity. It is crystal clear. It is unspoiled by pollution or corruption of any kind. When I give myself to anything that is foreign to God or His character I foul the water.
  • Life-giving. I can't author life like God can, but I can add to the life of others. I can care about the life of others.
  • Generosity. Do I give as freely as this river does? This river is able to give freely because its source is God, a never-ending supply. Isn't that my source, too?

PRAYER: Father, make me a river of life that flows from Your throne. Amen.

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