Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Search for Meaning

SCRIPTURE: Daniel 2:3 And the king said to them, "I have had a dream, and my spirit is anxious to know the dream."

OBSERVATION: Nebuchadnezzar was a mighty king, lapping up entire kingdoms in his wake. God mad it abundantly clear that He was empowering Nebuchadnezzar to accomplish His purposes. Nebuchadnezzar is sometimes referred to in scripture as 'My servant Nebuchadnezzar." Not because he knew or served God, but because God used him to accomplish His purposes.
God had given to him great power and great might and great success. Apparently, this didn't cause Nebuchadnezzar to wonder about the meaning of his life or his great success.
But then this confusing dream comes along and he is desperate to find its meaning. "My spirit is anxious to know the dream." He is so certain there is a meaning, that it is not just a random and meaningless dream, that he gathers his smartest and most spiritual advisers. Every philosophy, theology and current train of thought was represented. For added motivation, if they can't tell him the dream and its meaning they are all toast.
It is only God, through Daniel, who is able to give meaning to this dream and, through the dream, give meaning and context to Nebuchadnezzar's life.

APPLICATION: Life has meaning. Everything about life has meaning. People need meaning, like Nebuchadnezzar. Sometimes that need is buried beneath layers of busyness or success, but it is still there. Then an event in life comes along, like this dream, which adds confusion and causes someone to say, "What is the meaning of this, and the meaning of life?" The search for meaning takes many forms and many avenues, but it can only be answered by God.

PRAYER: Father, all meaning is found in You. My life is not a random dream without meaning but everyday of my life was recorded in Your book before I lived one of them. I can live a meaningful life because You give my life meaning. Amen.

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