Monday, September 24, 2007

We're Not Worthy

SCRIPTURE: Luke 7:4 And when they came to Jesus, they begged Him earnestly, saying that the one for whom He should do this was deserving,

OBSERVATION: The people who came on behalf of the centurion based their request for Jesus to heal his servant on his being deserving. They said he loved the Jewish nation (though he himself was a Roman centurion). He had built them a synagogue. Based on these actions, and possibly others, the people judged him as worthy or deserving.
The man didn't seem to agree in his own self-assessment. He sent messengers who said, "I am not worthy, or deserving." The Jews that were there must have thought, "Oh no. That was the basis for our argument to get Jesus to come to you. Now you've ruined it."
The centurion changed the discussion from his worthiness to Jesus' authority. he wasn't arguing, "Come and heal my servant because I deserve it or because You owe me." He asked, "Heal my servant because You can. And You can do it from right there." And Jesus did. He also commended the man's faith.

APPLICATION: Here are some applications to consider -
  • Don't ask for what you deserve. Don't pray on the basis of what you deserve. The centurion was right. Even though he had done great things and people were willing to stand up for him, he wasn't deserving of Jesus coming to him. No matter how much I've done -- and I'll never do as much as this man had done -- I don't deserve Jesus' attention or love or presence. But He has been so generous! Not on the basis of worthiness, but on the basis of faith.
  • Pray believing in Jesus' authority. Can He or not? Is anything too difficult or impossible for Him? Is there anything that is not under His authority? No, no and no.
  • Intercede for others. This miracle took place because others went to Jesus on this man's behalf and on behalf of his servant.

PRAYER: Jesus, I am reminded today of Your great power and authority. I want You to be pleased with my faith, as You were pleased by the faith of this man. Amen.

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