Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The End of the Mystery

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 10:7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.

OBSERVATION: There will come a day, an instant in time that is already destined to come, when the days of creation will come to an end and the mystery of God will be finished. Things now unknown, shrouded in mystery, will become clear. All of creation together -- every philosopher, theologian and common man -- all together will share in one great "ah-ha!" moment. "Ah-ha! Now it all makes sense. Now we get it!" "We were dead wrong" some will finally realize. Others... "We were on the right track," or "It's even better than we imagined," or "It's more terrible than we imagined," or "We were hoping for this," or "We were afraid of this." But for all: "Deep down we knew all along."
The mystery of God will remain a mystery until He chooses to reveal it. The concealing serves His purpose and the revealing will also serve His purpose.
It is hard to imagine the day when the mystery is finished. When God, His workings, His intentions and His Person are all fully revealed. The purposes of creation will be accomplished and we will move from mystery into eternity. What an amazing day that will be.

APPLICATION: Until that time, mystery remains. Spiritual discernment, convictions and trust remain. I don't have all the answers and won't have all the answers. I've got to hear from God: to spend time with Him consistently and know His word intimately.
And, by the way, don't be a know-it-all. In a time of mystery, nobody knows as much as they think they know.

PRAYER: God, use Your mystery to complete Your work in me. Through mystery, prepare me for the certainty of eternity. I trust You to guide me through the mystery. Amen.

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