Friday, September 28, 2007

Opposing the Opposer

SCRIPTURE: Zechariah 3:1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.

OBSERVATION: Another picture in heaven like we get with Job when Satan comes to oppose Job. Here we are given a glimpse at Satan doing what Satan does. In fact, the word here for Satan and the word for oppose is actually the same word. In other words, "Satan was sataning." That's what Satan does. He opposes. He resists. He accuses. He generally makes things difficult for people.
But not without the Lord's knowledge. Satan is powerless to do anything without God's consent, and when he does do anything with evil intent, God turns it around and uses it for good.
In this picture, Satan is opposing and resisting ('satanizing') Joshua the high priest. The Lord rebukes Satan, and then removes Joshua's' old, ratty clothes and give him new ones. The the Lord puts a new turban of authority on his head. Then he makes Joshua some awesome promises of blessing. Satan didn't hinder grace for Joshua. If anything, he served to show grace for what it really is.

APPLICATION: One time, someone came to bring accusation against a servant/worker in the church. The person who was accused was someone I have known for years who has served sacrificially many, many, many, many hours. The other person was someone I had only a recent acquaintance with. This person wanted me to accept the accusation being brought without question. I wouldn't do that. Instead, because of what I knew of the person and the situation, I stood in defense of the one accused.
God stands in defense of me. When the accusations come ('accuse' is another meaning of 'Satan'), He won't turn against me. He will shower me with amazing grace.

PRAYER: Lord, in this verse I see You standing on my behalf, rebuking the enemy and clothing me with Your great promises. I praise You.

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