Wednesday, September 12, 2007

God Involved

SCRIPTURE: Daniel 4:17 "... the Most High is sovereign over the kingdom of mortals; he gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of human beings."

OBSERVATION: That phrase, "the most High rules in the kingdom of men," is the one that caught my attention.
Nebuchadnezzar was what some would call a spiritual man. He set up a huge image, undoubtedly at a great cost, and made a decree that everyone would worship this image. At the time of worship, instrumentalists were instructed to play elaborate music. He was willing to mix church and state, as long as it served his purposes.
What Nebuchadnezzar found out is it doesn't work that way. There really is a G0d, not just a pretend deity for national identity, but a real God. And God doesn't take His cues from men, even kings. God doesn't stay tucked away in heave so preoccupied with heavenly affairs and administration that He doesn't have time to get involved with earthly affairs. "The most High rules in the kingdom of men." People feel safe with a pretend God or a far-off and distant God. But a God who is involved and is in charge. That's a different story.

APPLICATION: This story is about pride. Nebuchadnezzar figured his success was due to his own doing. He learned that it is God. It was God all along.
God does rule in the kingdom of men. He is not distant and removed. He is involved in my daily affairs. He is involved today. Will I give notice and recognition to Him? He is real. He is near. He is involved. He is in charge.

PRAYER: God, it is You who are in control of this day, not me. I rest in You and I trust in You. Let my life be worship before You today.

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