Friday, August 17, 2007

Prophecy of Prosperity

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 23:17 They keep saying to those who despise me, ‘The Lord says: You will have peace.’ And to all who follow the stubbornness of their hearts they say, ‘No harm will come to you.’

OBSERVATION: This is speaking of 'prosperity teachers.' They teach "if you can dream it you can achieve it." They tell people what they want to hear, what will make them popular. The 'name-it-and-claim-it' people walk after the imagination of their own heart.
Their teaching is this: God wants you to prosper. Confess prosperity. Have faith for prosperity and you will prosper. If you are not prospering, there is something wrong with your faith. Pick your dream. Put a picture of it on your refrigerator. Believe for it and you will have it.
That teaching has left many people shipwrecked and off-track in their faith. Jeremiah was dealing with some of those very same people in his day.

APPLICATION: The important thing is this: Not what do you want, but what does God want? Not what can you dream for yourself, but what has God really said?
Speak it like it is, not however you would like it. The truth is God is more interested in my character than in my comfort.
  • "In this life you will have tribulation."
  • "As a woman giving birth, this is your time of pain."
  • "I am pressed on every side..."
  • "The fiery trials perfect you."
I want God's way, not my imagination or anyone else's. Truth will set you free, not prosperity.

PRAYER: Lord, I can fully trust You. You only do that which is best for me. You see more than I do and know more than I do. I choose your reality over my imagination. Amen.

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