Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Offending the Artist

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 3:12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous.

OBSERVATION: Murder is not a new invention. It has been with us since the beginning of time. Cain was the original murderer. His murder of his brother Abel was without justification or provocation. Abel was the righteous one, not Cain. Abel's sacrifice was accepted, not Cain's. Abel was killed for his righteousness, not Cain. Abel is listed in Hebrews 11 'Hall of Faith', not Cain.

APPLICATION: It is impossible to turn on the TV or read the newspaper without seeing senseless murders taking place. Anger and evil of all types take root in the murderer's heart and ultimately take expression in violence. What could possibly drive someone to taking the life on another person?
Jesus said if you hate your brother you are guilty of murder.
Murder and hatred are both affronts, not just to the person they are directed towards, but also to their Creator, God.
If I take something that you have made, that doesn't belong to me, and destroy it, I have offended and violated you. If You show me your creation, fresh out of the studio, and I don't destroy it but I express hatred and disgust, I have similarly offended you, the artist.
When I express hatred or destruction for anyone else -- one of God's workmanship -- then I am violating God, His sovereignty and handiwork. I put myself above their Creator.

PRAYER: Jesus, I do not want even the slightest amount of the spirit of Cain in me. Cain thought he was preeminent over Abel and, ultimately, above Cain. What arrogance! Make me humble towards You and all of Your workmanship.

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