Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wholehearted Worship

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 138:1 I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing praises to You.

OBSERVATION: Praise is a volitional decision. This psalm begins, "I will." That speaks of intentional decision. Praise isn't an accident. You don't accidentally offer real praise. It isn't automatic. The default setting is not God-praise but self-praise.
Real praise comes from my 'whole heart,' or and undivided heart. If my heart is divided -- praising God while praising other things -- I am not praising God with my whole heart.
There will be other gods that will pull for my attention to divide my heart. Those things must not become a focus of my praise or affection, but they can become an audience to my praise to God. ("Before the gods I will sing praise to You.") They will be there, clamoring for attention, but they will only serve as a witness to my undivided heart.

APPLICATION: Where would I say that my heart is divided? Do I worship God with my whole heart, or is there some kept aside in reserve for someone or something else? Do aspirations divide my heart? Possibly at some times. Do other activities or people get my praise? I don't think so.

PRAYER: Lord, search me on this issue of an undivided heart. Show me where I am not worshipping You with my whole heart and purify my heart. Amen.

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