Thursday, October 11, 2007

Opened Understanding

SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:45 And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.

OBSERVATION: They had been with Jesus for three years. They heard Him talk about the kingdom of god and of His purpose on the earth. They heard Him teach about the prophets, and the sign of Jonah and they saw Him do all the miracles. He even talked about His own death and resurrection. But they didn't get it. They heard all the words, but their understanding was not opened.
They must have thought that He was teaching about some general principles. But He was talking about real life. About their life.
Suddenly, scripture wasn't a collection of vague principles for study and reflection. Instead, scripture was a reflection of their own lives. As they looked into it they saw their own reflection looking back. It was their life, their experiences, their thoughts and their flaws they saw. Their understanding was opened to comprehend the scriptures for their own lives, not as impersonal and distant but as personal and current.

APPLICATION: I need my understanding opened, just like the disciples did. That is the role of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is more accessible to me today than it has ever been in history. What good is that if my understanding isn't opened? Do I use the Bible? Do I understand it? Do I read it as it is, personal and current? Only with Jesus' help can it come alive to me.

PRAYER: Lord, make Your word come alive to me. Make it current. Make it personal. Amen.

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