Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Don't Shoot The Messenger

SCRIPTURE: Acts 7:25 For he supposed that his brethren would have understood that God would deliver them by his hand, but they did not understand.

OBSERVATION: The main point is the connection here between Moses and Jesus ("a Prophet like me.") Just as their fathers missed their deliverer, these descendants were now missing theirs.
The observation for more personal use and reflection is that I am certainly no better than these devout Jews. Isn't it likely, even certain, that I misunderstand the means and the methods and messengers that God puts in my life? Should I open my heart and my ears to what Stephen has to say and ask myself, "Have I despised, pushed away or discounted ways in which God brings deliverance to me?"
My thoughts are not God's thoughts! My understanding is not His understanding. The ways that He uses for deliverance may not be ways that I would choose.

APPLICATION: What are some things that I may push away, as Moses was pushed away, that God could actually use for my deliverance?
  • Tough times. Scripture says that God delivers us through adversity. Does that mean from adversity, as the thing from which we are delivered, or also through adversity, as the tool that God uses to bring deliverance?
  • Difficult people. There are some people that I would be certain God could never use in my life. Really? Moses and Jesus were unlikely deliverers.
  • Small, insignificant things. It seems that we are always looking for the big and impressive for deliverance. Moses' background was more impressive than Jesus' background.
PRAYER: Father, I realize that I am not capable or qualified to recognize Your hand and Your deliverance when it comes. Give me discernment that surpasses knowledge. I want all that You have for me, not just that which comes in the package that I approve of.

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