Monday, October 8, 2007

Like a Weaned Child

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 131:1-2 Lord, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.

OBSERVATION: David recognizes in this short Psalm that there are things that are too profound for him. Some can't admit that.
He uses the expression, "Like a weaned child with its mother." What an interesting phrase. Could it be because a weaned child has, for the first time, a bit of independence? But a weaned child is far from being fully independent or self-sufficient.
A weaned child doesn't even understand its limited view of the world and what it would take to care for itself. How foolish it is to even consider a weaned child saying to its mother, "Okay, now that I am weaned I can take it from here. I don't need you anymore." Ridiculous! And yet sometimes we take this kind of ridiculous, arrogant stance with God.

APPLICATION: The most that I can compare myself to in God's perspective is a weaned child. I may be able to go from the pure milk of the word to more solid food (1 Cor. 3:2, Heb. 5:12-14), but I am still far from being independent from God. I need Him like a weaned child still needs its mother.
I admit that there are things about God and His kingdom that are too deep, too profound for me. Many people would like you to believe that they have it all figured out and there is nothing they don't understand. Not me. There are a whole lot of things that I just have to trust to God, because they are beyond me. Being a child has its privileges. Don't be proud. Lean on God.

PRAYER: Lord, as a weaned child trusts and needs its mother, I trust in You and need You for everything. I would not last a day without You. You understand all the deep things so I don't have to.


dee said...

i really admire the way the Lord has touched your exsperiance to see the tangible examples so clearly to identify with. this one just put into words how i feel; weaned, but far from knowing much... needing much. weaned from pondering so deeply... that i have shook up my own faith and thinking. the bible's examples of our God of peace says it well too. in describing examples of our behavior; the bible declears His peace(which i equeal with contentment), will be with us. the Father is a good parent. truelly denying us nothing. but back to the weaned. i want to eat scripture like you. all the other scriptures that come to my heart, when i am reading and studying; i long to recall exactly where they are. God's word is very comforting to people. i'm praying that i will beable to know His word well; and that i too can relate it out to tangible life as you are so gifted in doing. to serve His people better. thank you for the good examples you set in your studies and life. all the new hope staff. lol. and if i may ramble on again: and the loving congragation.((to anyone reading come visit us!!)) ~ love dee

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim... I'm at Church right now. Was thinking about the "weaned child scripture and google it and LO, this link popped up. From 2007. this is Roy White, you remember whipping me in golf a few times? Anyhow it was great reading you thoughts on this. I've often thought about this scripture in terms of the sweetness of the milk and the transition to solid, far more boring food that takes hard work to eat. that sometimes the process of changing over from God giving you milk, manna from heaven that falls miraculously into your mouth without effort then all of a sudden the milk dries up... The baby screams and throws tantrums for milk and the mother loves the baby... And denies him/her the milk. The baby wonders if mommy loves him and screams and throws sulky selfish tantrums. Still no milk until finally the baby "breaks" and it's temper tantrums turns to a true mourning not anger. Then it let's go.. And finds mommy is there. That he is being held to mommys breast still but now he looks beyond the milk itself and begins to commune with Mommy. This then becomes the communion true and heart to heart God seeks for us. That we would want HIM not the milk the way a baby begins to want mommy to hug and hold and love him rather than want her milk alone. Suffering and financial trouble and all the vicissitudes of life that are milk, the precious (to us anyway) milk of a new car,mor vacation to the Caribbean or a new house etc... The sweet palatable milk of a raise at work, all the things that comfort our flesh are stripped by our loving, patient inexorably fierce and jealous God in hopes that we will at last become weaned form worldliness and our own stupid dreams... The "American dream" is NOT Gods dream after all, Jesus promised us "Daily bread" not a 5 thousand square foot house in the country.....

Anyhow I'm not sure if you'll read this but I miss you Jim.

In Jesus..


Anonymous said...

thank you, Roy! a good word in just the right season for me. thanks for opening up to let this blessing flow! - a now no longer quite so thirsty sister in Christ..